Rimspace Planet Generator

A dark red planet with red rings floating in space.

Echoes in the Graveyard

A swirling colorful whirlpool floating in the void of space with an image of a graveyard superimposed over the top of the image.

Hull Breach

A massive hole in a spacecraft revealing stars. A broken gantry,


An interface featuring paintings, coins and a sculpture arranged to appear like they are hanging on a wall together.

Dissident Whispers

A copy of Dissident Whispers

'Matt Umland'

Matt holding his small fluffy dog on the porch of a cabin with a beautiful tree in the background.

Worn Through

The four members of Worn Through, Matt, Nick, Greg and Matt huddled close together for a selfie.

See the Unseen

A tall atrium space with sculptures of a tornado, a rainstorm, a helicopter and a t-rex.

Object Stack

A museum exhibit featuring a large sculpture made of wooden display cases stacked together.

Tin Armor

A collage featuring the members of tin armor on different bodies, playing cutout instruments

Rancid Tomatillos

An interface featuring a search bar and four movie posters.

Scratching Interactive

Two interactive devices themed to look like turntables sitting in the a museum gallery.

Io Experience

Five kids standing at touch screen kiosks, controlling small rovers inside of an enclosure with a landscape of the Io in the background.